Labor Law

Our lawyers are focused in personnel management

ESTUDIO | GRANDA advises domestic and transnational corporations in all industries as to the law applicable to the relationship between employers, employees and unions. Our practitioners advise our clients as to immigration matters pertinent to foreign employees coming to work to Peru as well. Our goal is to help our clients to optimally manage their personnel.

Our experience includes human resource strategy, solving controversies way before they reach the courts, and working in commercial and financial transactions. As to the latter, we strive to detect every labour law aspect that could posit an extra cost or a risk to their planned economic development.

Our services include:

  • Employment contracts
  • Collective bargaining
  • Payroll taxes
  • Work & Health
  • Audits under labour laws and other compliance tools
  • Dismissal of personnel, both at the individual and collective levels
  • Representation in governmental inspections
  • Representation in employment dispute resolution and litigation



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